Understanding Child Support

Divorces often turn into an ugly fight between two spouses, which can be very stressful, especially when children are involved. The former couple has many important decisions such as the custody of the child, division of their assets and who will occupy the marital residence.

One of the most important aspects of this arrangement is the payment of child support. Many parents direct their hatred and angriness they feel towards their spouse at the child support obligation. According to a report by US Census Bureau, 40.2% of the custodial parents do not receive child support.

However, the parents must consider that divorce can have a huge impact on the child in profound negative ways, which can last a lifetime. The least they can do is support their kid in this difficult period of time. It is a legal right of a child to receive support from the parents.

What is child support?

Child support is a sum of money that is paid by a non-custodial parent to his or her minor child. There are different laws in place for different states. In the state of Illinois, the calculations of child support are based on the income of the parents. It usually covers the shelter, food, and clothing, along with educational expense and health insurance. In some cases, it may also include costs of visitation and extracurricular activities.

How is it calculated?

Since July 1, 2017, there has been a change in the method to calculate child support. Previously, the IDHFS used percentage method for the calculation, which has been changed to income shares model.

Usually, the court applies the guidelines of child support that is provided in the book of law. However, if the amount seems inappropriate according to the circumstances of the case, they may consider the following factors:

  • Financial resources and needs of the child, custodial parent, and noncustodial parent.
  • The emotion and physical condition of the child.
  • The educational needs of the child.
  • The projected standard of living of the child had the parents stayed married.

There are so many complications pertaining to the child support law, which can be very confusing for the couple looking to file a divorce. If you want to find out more about the impact of Illinois child support law on your divorce or wish to schedule a free consultation with an experienced family lawyer, contact Fitzgerald Law Firm by calling at (630) 946-6060.